Thursday, March 13, 2008

The House that Ruth Built... and Jagr Closed

Late last week, word started to leak out about the possibility of Yankees stadium closing it's doors following a NY Rangers hockey game, not a Yankees game. I will start by saying that I am not a Yankee fan. I do not pretend to be a Yankee fan. In fact I am admittedly proud to be a Yankee hater. Now, I'm unsure if that makes any difference in this argument, but I'm trying to be as objective as I possibly can.

While I'm not a Yankee fan, I am very suprised that I haven't heard Yankee fans be more vocal about this. And while I understand it is not a definite that it will happen, it still seems like a good possibility. I've read reports where members of the Yankee organization were contacted by the NHL and the Rangers, and have expressed no concern about allowing it.

I imagine this discussion started due to the relative success of the NHL game that was played outdoors on New Year's Day this past January. I believe it was played in Buffalo and I remember hearing people talking about it and expressing interest in it. I think it was a novel idea and a cool concept to play a hockey game outdoors and the appeal of it was definately helped by the fact that it snowed while the game was being played. My understanding is that hockey was traditionally played by kids out on frozen ponds, much like kids playing pick up basketball games out on the blacktops during the summer. Therefore I can see the appeal of playing these games outdoors to bring some of those nostalgic feelings to the forefront. One of my criticisms of this idea, and by no means by biggest, is that it's going to be very hard to guarentee inclement weather during the winter in New York. The past two New Year's, we've had relatively mild days I think.

I guess my biggest problem with this whole thing is the fact that this is Yankee Stadium that we are talking about. And it's not that they are just playing a hockey game there. I know no real problem with a NHL game being played outdoors at Yankee Stadium. I have a problem with it being the last professional sporting event ever at Yankee Stadium. The Yankees are supposed to be above the gimmicky, promotional stuff. (or maybe not considering Billy Crystal's appearance yesterday) Wouldn't a Yankee prefer to see the last moment at their beloved park be Mariano Rivera striking someone out to win a playoff game or a walk off base hit by Jeter? All the history and tradition that the Yankees are about, all the playoff games played on that field, the retired numbers, the monuments, the great moments, Jeffrey Maier. And the last image people will have before they close the doors is Jaromir Jagr taking a slap shot? That would bother me if I were a Yankee fan.

Has sports become so much about money that we don't care about history and tradition? This isn't meant to be an attack at the Yankees either, it just happens that it's being mentioned in conjuction with them. I actually think if the Red Sox were to build a new stadium they may look for something like this to do as a final act at Fenway Park. And I would hope just the same that they wouldn't actually do it.

I hope the last game played at Yankee Stadium before they tear it down is a 4-2 loss to the Baltimore Orioles on Sept. 21.

A couple other notes.
* It seems like no one wants to make the NCAA field. In almost every instance where people said a team "needed to win the game" to keep their hopes alive or to secure a spot in the field, the team has lost. All 3 bubble teams in the Pac-10 lost their games. Syracuse lost to Villanova in a virtual "play-out" game. UMASS got upset by Charlotte yesterday. Dayton lost to Xavier. Baylor got upset by a 19-loss Colorado team. Florida lost to Alabama. Ole Miss lost to Georgia. New Mexico lost to Utah. Sunday will be very interesting to say the least.

* Wanna recommend an article if you have time to read it. I don't necessarily like to plug other websites, but the sports guy wrote a very good story on the other day. Check it out if you have a chance.


Anonymous said...

At first, I didn't really mind when I heard about the hockey game. I love the Yanks and it didn't strike me how ridiculous the hockey idea really was. But, now that I think of it, I hate the idea. How could you close the stadium with a hockey game of all things? How much money could they really be making to make that worthwhile?

Anonymous said...

BTW, add UMD to the list of teams that doesn't want to make the tournament. BC with the big comeback upset BABY!!! CAWWWWWWWWW!!! Some of Tyrese Rice's moves are just incredible. The kid gets hounded all game yet breaks down double teams, rarely makes turnovers and can score at will. If he was 6'2" he would be a lottery pick. And, noone else cares but me so I will stop talking now...

Jesse said...

You have completely missed the point of this hockey game. I’ll start by saying I’m a proud yankee and ranger fan. I don’t this is about The Rangers Closing Yankee Stadium”. The Yankees will close yankee stadium in late October with a sweep in the world series against the NY Mets. Then the doors will then be closed to professional baseball forever. Yankee stadium is not going to be torn down and demolished. The rangers playing there months after the last yankee game will not take away from any yankee baseball tradition. There is going to be many events happening at Yankee Stadium, high school baseball games will be played there in the years to come. That is certainly not going to take away from Yankee tradition. This is no different to me then the Beatles playing a concert at Shea stadium in the 60’s (or when every).

Anonymous said...

To me, "Mystique" and "Aura" are regular invitees and frequent attendants of Yankee games, especially when the leaves start to turn colors. I was at the Aaron F. Boone game, Phil Hughes first playoff win, A-Rod's walk-off Granny (I love how Chris Ray pointed to it, like it was an infield pop up...good one) and many other dramatic moments over the years...Thankfully not at the Roger Clemens return/Susan Waldman laugher. The point being, I'm an enormous fan, and will use The Yankee Tradition as my fallback arguement whenever I'm in "the best team" debate. And it doesnt bother me one bit, that the Rangers may play a game there. There's been many non baseball events taken place at Yankee Stadium over the years...the Jets, Giants, boxing matches, etc. Why not a hockey game? As much as hockey sucks, the Rangers were one of the original 6, right? They have some tradition too- The place they play is regarded as a Mecca of sorts as well. I think the merging of the traditions is exciting at best and unique at worst. I have never watched a hockey game, but if the the Rangers do pull it off, I just may tune in.